Introduce your brGate 46 is an embodiment practice combining dance and mindfulness by exploring the wisdom and creativity within you.

Inspired by the system of Human Design, also known as the Science of Differentiation, and Gabriel Roth's 5Rhythms "Wave," Gate 46 aims to bring awareness to the physical aspects of your being and foster a deeper connection between your mind and body.

In Human Design, Gate 46, often identified as the "Love of the Body," and is found in the G Center on your Human Design BodyGraph. The G Center is like the heart of who you are—your true self, love, and life's direction. Gate 46 is all about enjoying the ride in your body, feeling and experiencing life through your senses.

WHAT ARE THE 5Rhythms?
The 5Rhythms are a sequence of rhythms. Each rhythm has unique qualities and inspires you to explore a range of emotions, energies, and expressions.
These rhythms are Flowing, Staccato, Chaos, Lyrical, and Stillness.

  1. Flowing: This rhythm focuses on fluid, continuous movements. It's about leing go, connecting with the ground, and exploring the body's natural flow.

  2. Staccato: Staccato involves more defined, percussive movements. It encourages clear boundaries, expression, and a sense of precision in one's dance.

  3. Chaos: Chaos invites us to let go of control and surrender to the spontaneous, unpredictable movements that arise. It's an exploration of the wild and untamed aspects of self-expression.

  4. Lyrical: Lyrical encourages lightness, grace, and playfulness in movement. It's about exploring the joy of dancing and expressing oneself with freedom.

  5. Stillness: The final rhythm is about finding inner peace and stillness. It allows you to integrate your experiences and reflect on the journey of the dance.

Set your feelings free! Stretch and move in your unique way.

Whether pursuing personal growth, self-discovery, or simply indulging in a joyful exploration of movement, Gate 46 is a transformative experience that invites you to embrace and fully express your authentic self!